People who cannot work due to certain medical conditions may apply for social security disability payments. Referred to as SSDI, social security disability is different from regular social security in that a person does not have to be retirement age to collect. Currently, there are specific illnesses that qualify a person to receive SSDI, but recently the Social Security Administration added new illnesses to the list. This may help those living in Cabell County, as well as the rest of the nation, attain the financial help they need to make ends meet.
Twenty-five new illnesses were added to the Compassionate Allowance Conditions list. Almost half of the additional illnesses are cancers. A person who is diagnosed with a Compassionate Allowance condition can have an application for SSDI pushed through in days instead of having to wait weeks or months.
One of the more notable additions is prostate cancer. The diseases, along with the other 24, were selected after collaborations between the medical community, advocacy groups and meetings with the public. The Administration understands that those who have serious illnesses need assistance as soon as possible.
This is excellent news for those who have illnesses that have been included on the list, which is now up to 225 different illnesses. However, just because a person suffers from a condition that is not on the list does not mean the person cannot qualify for disability benefits. Anyone who would like to know their options regarding applying for benefits or possibly appealing a denial of benefits should consider speaking to an experienced legal professional. With the knowledge that a legal professional can provide, a person can better determine if seeking benefits is the best course of action.
Source: Business and Heritage Clarksville, “Social Security adds 25 new ‘Compassionate Allowance’ Conditions” No author given, Feb. 04, 2014