Mine collapses are the first thing that might come to mind when you hear about an accident at a mine site. While collapses are usually some of the more serious accidents that can happen, they most certainly aren’t the only type of accident that can occur at a mine. For miners working at the Greenbrier Minerals Mountaineer Pocahontas #1 Mine, failing brakes on a mantrip is what caused an accident that sent five miners to the hospital.
The accident was confirmed by the West Virginia Office of Miners’ Safety, Health, and Training. As a mantrip was going on an incline at around midnight on April 1, the brakes failed, which led to an accident. The accident injured eight miners. Three of those miners refused treatment for their injuries. Five were taken to the hospital. None of the workplace injuries were considered life-threatening. The incident was being investigated by inspectors who were on-site on Wednesday, April 2. All miners have all been released from the hospital, according to a tweet from the Mine Safety and Health Administration on Friday, April 4.
The brakes failing on the mantrip could have led to a much more serious accident. Doing safety checks on equipment and making sure that everything is properly working is something that companies should do to help ensure that workers are provided a safe working environment. Anyone who is injured in a workplace accident might have the right to seek workers’ compensation. Knowing how the process works and understanding your responsibilities might help you as move through the necessary steps.
Source: The State Journal, “UPDATE: All miners injured in Greenbrier mantrip accident released from hospital” Douglas Fritz, Apr. 02, 2014