While it may seem logical that you would immediately notice your injuries after having been involved in a West Virginia automobile collision, this simply isn’t always the case. In fact, it’s possible to feel “okay” after an accident. You might obtain a triage assessment at the scene from EMTs or paramedics, then return home without going to the hospital. Several hours or days later, however, delayed car accident injury symptoms might arise.
It’s always best to seek medical attention at an emergency room when you’ve been involved in a collision. Physicians might be able to notice signs of injury that you yourself are unaware of at the time. Entering the emergency room also creates a computer record of the incident, which may be helpful to you later on. Whether you go to the hospital or not, you’ll want to closely monitor your condition in the days that follow a car accident.
These symptoms suggest delayed injuries
There are several reasons why you might immediately experience symptoms of injury following a motor vehicle collision. There may be swelling or fluid around the injury site that is masking pain. You might also have been so stressed and upset that the force of adrenaline in your system kept you from noticing symptoms. The following list shows issues of concern that definitely merit seeking further medical attention after a car accident:
- Signs of internal bleeding include abdominal discomfort, bruising, dizziness and fainting.
- Tingling or burning sensations or numbness in any part of the body suggests nerve damage.
- Head, facial or jaw pain may be indicative of traumatic brain injury or whiplash.
- New or worsening pain in any part of the body is symptomatic of an underlying problem.
- Changes in your personality or usual habits of behavior can also be a sign of delayed injury symptoms after a car accident, such as trouble controlling emotions, problems sleeping or eating, or a heightened sense of irritability.
If you experience these or any other symptoms in the hours or days following a car accident, it’s always better to report your symptoms to your primary care physician or an emergency room doctor than to disregard them, which could possibly make matters worse, if there is an underlying injury that went unnoticed when the incident occurred.
Recovery may last weeks, months or longer
The level of recovery you’re able to achieve depends on numerous factors, including but not limited to severity of injury, type of treatment program, time spent resting and healing, and more. If you have delayed symptoms of an internal injury, especially one involving the spine or brain, the implications of the injury may be long-lasting, perhaps even permanent.
Your loved ones, friends and medical team will hold key roles in helping you obtain as full a recovery as possible. Many recovering car accident victims also seek restitution in a West Virginia court when another person’s negligence was a causal factor in a collision, which can be a means to obtaining financial recovery for losses, as well.