When You Obtain Insurance, You Are Entitled To Get What You Pay For
You have lived up to your end of the bargain by dutifully paying your insurance premiums for months or even years. However, now that you have been injured or your property damaged, the insurance company is withholding benefits from you, playing the game of delay and deny. In these frustrating times, it is advisable to retain the services of an experienced attorney to aggressively advocate on your behalf for the full and fair compensation due under the terms of your policy.
At the law firm of Duffield, Lovejoy & Boggs, Attorneys at Law, our lawyers have over 70 years of combined legal experience representing people throughout West Virginia, eastern Kentucky and southwest Ohio. As former insurance defense lawyers, we understand that insurance companies care about their bottom lines, meaning they will try their best to minimize the size of the claims they have to pay ― or avoid paying claims altogether if possible.
If your insurance company is not living up to its end of the bargain by wrongfully denying to pay your claim or offering you a lowball amount, we can help protect your rights by filing a bad faith insurance claim. In fact, we can assist you with a wide range of insurance policies, including disputes related to:
- Homeowners insurance coverage, including claims for home damage and lost property
- Motor vehicle insurance coverage, including liability claims, car damage claims and uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage
- Commercial property coverage, including claims related to restaurants and other businesses
- Life insurance coverage
We Understand How Insurance Companies Operate
Your insurance company may not offer enough to meet your needs or tell you that your policy does not cover your injury. You may call to speak with a representative only to get lost in the company’s voice mail system. Even if you are fortunate enough to speak with a real person, he or she may know nothing about your claim and if you call back, you may discover that you cannot even speak with the same person. These are all strategies designed to reduce costs for insurance companies by lowering the amount paid on rightful claims.
Our attorneys also understand how your attempts to recover from your insurance company can prove to be rather intimidating. The insurance companies have legions of lawyers who will take every opportunity to prolong the process, hoping you will accept their lowball offer out of necessity or desperation. While it is a David and Goliath scenario, you do have options.
Because we spent time early in our careers representing insurance companies, we know their strategies and tactics. We will work hard to make the insurance company deliver on its promises to you.
We’re Here To Help You. Contact Us Now, Day Or Night.
If you have been wrongfully denied insurance benefits under a policy that you regularly paid premiums for, contact us at our Huntington office by calling 304-247-9396 or toll free at 304-247-9396. You can also reach us online. We offer FREE consultations, so you have nothing to lose.