People who are driving to and from work might drive in an unsafe manner in an attempt to get to work or back home as quickly as possible. Trying to rush for any reason while you are driving can lead to accidents. Those accidents might cause damage to personal property. In some cases, they might lead to injuries or deaths. A recent lawsuit filed in West Virginia alleges that a hotel employee caused an accident that led to a man being injured.
The lawsuit alleges that owned by BBL Carlton Charleston House and being driven by an employee smashed into the victim’s vehicle at an intersection. It claims the driver of the hotel’s vehicle was driving in a reckless manner and that the driver was being negligent.
The victim of the car accident claims he suffered injuries and property damage. He is seeking compensation for pain and inconvenience, medical costs, court costs and pre- and post-judgment interest.
Any business that owns vehicles must do everything possible to ensure the company’s vehicle is being driven in a safe manner. Trying to get employees to hurry up as they run errands or do things on company time might lead to an accident. The man who filed this lawsuit has to deal with medical injuries, damage to his vehicle and all the hassles associated with those problems that were caused by the alleged negligent actions of a hotel employee.
Anyone who has been injured in an accident caused by the driver of a commercial vehicle might have the right to seek compensation for his or her injuries. Understanding the process might help you decide how to proceed with claims against the business and driver.
Source: The West Virginia Record, “Man files suit against hotel, employee after traffic accident” Melody Dareing, Apr. 28, 2014