Placing your loved one in a nursing home is a decision that is often filled with emotion. Those emotions are often heightened if you learn that your loved one isn’t being cared for in an appropriate manner. Knowing about some of the specifics of nursing home abuse and nursing home neglect might help you to know what you should watch for when placing a loved one in a nursing home.
Why does nursing home neglect occur?
There are several reasons why nursing home neglect or abuse might occur. All of these are possible around the country, including West Virginia. While some cases of nursing home neglect might be very obvious, others might not be so evident.
In some cases, nursing home neglect is the result of improper staffing. This might be the case when a nursing home tries to cut corners by cutting staffing hours or by overworking employees. In those cases, nursing staff and aides might not be able to care for your loved one properly. While that might be the case, it still isn’t a reason for your loved one to experience dehydration, suffer from bed sores or be injured due to a fall.
Are neglect issues always caused by staffing issues?
When staffing issues aren’t the problem, malfunctioning equipment might lead to injuries. The malfunctioning equipment might be caused by improper maintenance or by a manufacturing defect. In those cases, determining who is at fault for your loved one’s suffering becomes a top priority.
No matter what the cause of nursing home neglect, it is never acceptable. You don’t have to accept that your loved one has to go through those experiences. Legal actions can help you to hold the nursing home or other responsible parties accountable for your loved one’s suffering.
Source: FindLaw, “Nursing Home Abuse Claims” Sep. 07, 2014