Losing a loved one is a traumatic experience that everyone will have to go through at least once in life. When that loss is caused by the negligence of another person, the traumatic situation seems to be amplified. In those cases, it might be possible for you to hold the negligent party responsible for his or her actions in civil court. The first step in this process is to file the claim for compensation.
When your loved one is killed in a car accident, the other driver might have a financial responsibility to you. That responsibility is usually determined via legal proceedings. The compensation you receive isn’t going to bring back your loved one or make dealing with the emotional turmoil any easier. It might, however, help you to ease some of the financial troubles that your loved one’s untimely death caused.
Opting to seek compensation from the responsible party in West Virginia means that you need to a have a good grasp on the wrongful death laws in the state. These laws can be complex. They cover issues like compensation for loss of companionship, medical bills and final expenses. Knowing how to apply these laws to your case requires experience that can only be garnered through years of studying wrongful death laws.
In no case should you ever just allow the person responsible for your loved one’s death to simply go on with his or her own life at the expense of your family. Instead, you can use wrongful death laws to help lessen your financial burden that was caused by that person’s negligence. Our webpage on fatal car accident can answer more of your questions.
Source: Duffield, Lovejoy, Stemple & Boggs, Attorneys at Law, “Fatal Auto Accidents in West Virginia” Sep. 03, 2014