West Virgina residents who are concerned about the nature of care that their loved ones in nursing homes receive have good reason to pay close attention. With too many reports of abuse or negligence, the health and life of elderly people can literally be on the line. Whether in an assisted living or a rehabilitation facility, problems can arise and leave innocent people suffering instead of thriving or recovering.
One man in West Virginia has alleged that a nursing home failed to properly care for his aunt. The woman was reportedly placed in the facility in order to help her recover but the opposite is what the nephew indicates actually happened. While at the rehabilitation center, the aunt’s condition is said to have worsened. Additionally, she sustained injuries due to the abuse and negligence of the staff.
The woman’s nephew has initiated a lawsuit claiming that his aunt’s rights were violated. It is not known if the woman died due to her injuries or mistreatment as that detail was not provided in the report. It is also not known if she has any other relatives or how long she was at the nursing home.
When a person is supposed to be able to trust that good care is provided and harm actually results, people deserve compensation. This is a time at which talking with an attorney may be helpful so that vicitms and family members can learn about how they may pursue such compensation.
Source: West Virginia Record, “Man says aunt’s care in nursing facility was substandard,” Lhalie Castillo, June 13, 2016