When Bad Things Happen To Good People, We're Here To Help
Photo of Professionals at Duffield, Lovejoy & Boggs, Attorneys at Law
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When Safety Violations Result In Burn Injuries

The dangers of a burn injury come in many forms, including chemical, electrical and thermal sources. An innocent substance such as water can be hot enough to cause scalding to the point of permanent injury or death. Even medical treatments, such as radiation therapy, can cause burn injuries.

While the dangers are all around us, many burn injuries were avoidable and should not have happened. Adequate precautions are not always taken because someone was careless, or did not want to spend the time and money to comply with fire regulations. Contact a Huntington burn injuries lawyer.

Damage Done By Burns

The higher the degree of the burn, the greater the damage. In more serious burns, not only skin is affected but nerves, blood vessels and even bone. Burns that affect only skin can still be serious; the greater the surface area of the body that is burned, the more likely the victim will die.

If you are reading this because you have lost a loved one due to any kind of burn injury, we extend our heartfelt condolences to you. A wrongful death lawsuit is appropriate where a loved one is taken due to the negligence of some person or company.

Victims of burn injuries are not only physically injured, but injured psychologically and socially as well. Nerve damage can affect one’s movement. Disfigurement and scarring can be the subject of stares and curiosity of other people.


Many fires and burn injuries are preventable. The safety systems designed to avoid injury and often required by law and regulations should be followed. If smoke detectors and sprinkler systems are not maintained, then someone has been negligent in his or her duties. Faulty wiring and products that are dangerous lead to burn injuries every day. Failure to comply with fire codes endangers innocent people.

Contact Our Huntington Injury Attorneys Today

The Huntington fire injuries attorneys at Duffield, Lovejoy & Boggs, Attorneys at Law, work for the maximum compensation as well as justice for burn victims due to explosions and all other causes. Contact us.

Need help? We’re here. Call a personal injury attorney now, day or night: 304-247-9396 or toll free: 304-247-9396.