Advocacy For Individuals To Suffer Neck And Back Injuries
Serious and sudden impacts to the back or neck can have serious consequences. Soft tissue injuries and other types of vertebrae damage produce effects that can have slow onsets, and may be difficult to diagnose or properly treat.
The problem is that unlike an obvious bone fracture, back and neck injuries can result in pain or other physical restrictions that seem like a part of the healing process but are actually indicative of injuries that are progressing.
It is important to realize that all sorts of motor vehicle accidents can result in these types of injuries, including low-speed and rear-end collisions. When afflictions like herniated disks or whiplash are misdiagnosed as sprains, the consequences can be immensely serious.
Insurance adjusters, too, realize this. As such, they will often try to settle for rates that are not commensurate with injury or may even try to deny an injury outright.
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious back or neck injury due to negligence, you need to understand your injury’s extent and take the ideal steps to recovery.
West Virginia Whiplash Injury Lawyers
We are prepared to take our extensive experience and network of medical experts to help you understand back or neck injury extent, collect all relevant information and aggressively bring our decades of experience to advocate for you in negotiation or in court. We encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible so we can put our experience to work for you.
Need help? We’re here. Call now, day or night: 304-247-9396.
Toll free: 304-247-9396.
If you have suffered serious personal injury, our Huntington neck injury lawyers can help. We at Duffield, Lovejoy & Boggs, Attorneys at Law, have over 70 years of combined legal experience handling personal injury claims. Please contact our West Virginia attorneys to schedule a free initial consultation.